File name:The effects of no-tillage with subsoling on soil properties and maize yiele; 12-Year experiment on alkaline soils of Northeast China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Soil sodicity and salinization are two major issues concerning agricultural production in Northern China and the affected areas are expanding at a rate of 11.5 Mha/year. The effects of two treatments, i.e. no- tillage with subsoiling and straw cover (……
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File name:The adoption of conservation tillage in China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Conservation tillage (CT) has been recognized as an advanced agricultural technology that may reduce drought and improvethephysicalconditionofsoilsworldwide.Anincreaseinwaterinfiltrationandareductioninwaterandwind erosion can be achieved through the u……
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File name:The adoption of annual subsoiling as conservation tillage in dryland maize and wheat cultivation in northern China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Soil compaction caused by random traffic or repetitive tillage has been shown to reduce water use efficiency, and thus crop yield due to reduced porosity, decreased water infiltration and availability of nutrients. Conservation tillage coupled with su……
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File name:Spring wheat performance and water ude efficiency on permanent raised beds in arid northwest China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Permanent raised beds have been proposed as a more productive and water-ef fi cient alternative to the conventional system of fl at, fl ood-irrigated bays for planting narrow-spaced crops in arid north-west China. Data from a fi eld experiment (2005 2……
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File name:Soil Structure and Crop Performance After 10 Years of Controlled Traffic and Traditional Tillage Cropping in the Dryland Loess Plateau in China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Soil degradation and the accompanying decline in crop yields are the main limiting factors for the further development of agri- culture on the Chinese Loess Plateau. A 10-year experiment was con- ducted in Linfen on the Loess Plateau to assess the pot……