File name:Effects of Permanent Raised Beds on Soil Chemical Properties in a Wheat-Maize Cropping System Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Traditional tillage (TT) in the North China Plain has maintained grain productivity in the past 50 years. Nonetheless, it has also been a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, bio- diversity and soil fertility loss, soil degradation, a……
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File name:Effects of 15 years of conservation tillage on soil structure and productivity of wheat cultivation in northern China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::An understanding of long-term tillage and straw management impact on soil structure and productivity is necessary for the further development of conservation tillage practice in dryland farming areas. Data from a 15-year field experiment conducted in……
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File name:Effects of 10 years of conservation tillage on soil properties and productivity in the farming-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia,China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Soil degradation and subsequent yield decline are the main factors limiting further development of agriculture on the farmingpastoral transition zone of China. A 10-year field experiment was con- ducted in Inner Mongolia to compare the long-term effec……
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File name:Effect of tillage and traffic on crop production in dryland farming system;I.Evaluation of PERFECT soil-crop simulation model Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::Agricultural production systems are complex involving variability in climate, soil, crop, tillage management and interactions between these components. The traditional experimental approach has played an important role in studying crop production sys……
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File name:Effect of ridge tillage,no-tillage,and conventional tillage on soil temperature,water use, and crop perfoemance in cold and semi-arid areas in Northeast China Author: Source:Publication Date:2014-10-29
infos::In cold and semi-arid Northeast China, insuf fi cient soil accumulative temperature and low water use ef fi ciency (WUE) are the limiting factors for the further development of agriculture. Ridge tillage (RT) has been proposed to improve soil temperat……